About Us
The Department of Statistics has a reputation for outstanding teaching, research, and consulting services. The undergraduate program offers B.A. and B.S. degrees with two options in Statistical Computing and Quantitative Management, while the graduate program offers both an M.S. in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Applied Statistics. The program offers students unusually free access to the faculty, many of whom have received national and international recognition for their professional work.
In addition, the degree programs offer students opportunities to diversify their study to include research areas in a variety of academic disciplines. The Statistical Consulting Collaboratory provides faculty and students a rich environment for collaboration in research and instruction, emphasizing statistical/quantitative approaches. The faculty serves the academic community in many roles-as editors of major academic publications, as authors of major text books and research monographs, and as consultants to business, government and international organizations.
You can find out more about the Department of Statistics by browsing our website or contacting us in person.