Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Check Out What We Have Done!
Our DEI efforts were featured in AMSTAT news!
"The department of statistics has a long tradition of supporting Hispanic and other underrepresented minority students from local Southern California communities. It has established many clubs and programs to provide professional development, networking, and outreach opportunities with the goal of increasing student involvement and improving their sense of belonging. Active student clubs include the Highlander Statistics Society for undergraduates, Statistics Graduate Student Association, and Mu Sigma Rho honor society for statistics.
The Highlander Statistics Society aims to foster a supportive environment in which students can learn and collaborate together. Club activities include coding workshops, social events, community service, and participation in the annual ASA DataFest competition hosted by the University of California at Los Angeles.
The Statistics Graduate Student Association aims to advance the academic, professional, and social lives of statistics graduate students by hosting social events and organizing student seminars.
Mu Sigma Rho memberships are awarded to both undergraduate and graduate students with academic distinction, accompanied by a free one-year ASA membership.
The Statistical Mentoring in Application, Research, and Technology Program was recently developed to provide statistics undergraduate students with the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of graduate students. It gives our undergraduates exposure to research and motivates them to pursue a graduate degree, while providing our graduate students with mentoring and leadership experiences.
Many faculty members are actively involved in supervising undergraduate capstone projects or participating in the college Summer Bridge to Research program and CAMP Scholar program. The latter is specifically designed to support underrepresented minority undergraduate student research.
In honor of the late professor D.V. Gokhale, the department established the Gokhale Lecture series in 2012. Each year, with support from the Gokhale Family Endowed Fund, the department brings to the University of California at Riverside campus a prominent speaker who presents a topic in statistics at an undergraduate level that will inspire our undergraduate students to conduct research.
In 2021, the department further established a DEI committee with members representing the faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students. Our DEI committee embraces the unique and rich perspectives and experiences that arise from racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, sexual, and religious diversity within the department. The mission is to foster an inclusive and welcoming culture and atmosphere.
During its first year, the committee organized several DEI-centered activities, including a DEI social hour to foster a sense of togetherness and camaraderie and a DEI alumni panel discussion that provided an opportunity to hear from our underrepresented minority alumni who have built their careers in statistics. The DEI committee also hosted a workshop on the imposter phenomenon that focused on strategies to counter it and help others.
Finally, a DEI climate survey, analysis, and presentation was completed by our undergraduate students in an effort to better understand the DEI climate in the department. The committee will use the results of the survey to identify and guide future DEI activities."
-Excerpt from AMSTAT News Article, Read more here!
- Social Hour & Stat Alumni Discussion Panels
Imposter Syndrome Workshop
The Imposter Syndrome Workshop was presented by UCR Vice-Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Mariam Lam. The workshop included information regarding Imposter Syndrome, strategies for countering the imposter phenomenon, and what you can do to help others. Click here to access the materials.
The Statistics Department Climate Survey
The Highlander Statistics Society (HiSS; student-led organization at UCR) and the Department of Statistics' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee conducted a climate survey in our department in an effort to better understand the climate surrounding DEI among students, staff, and faculty in the department. The DEI Committee plans to use the results of this survey to identify and guide present, future, and potential DEI activities and goals.
Who We Are
About Us
The Statistics department established the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) committee during the Summer of 2021. The committee is composed of members representing each group within our department (faculty, staff, undergraduate, and graduate students). The representatives of each group are selected by the group they represent and serve on the DEI committee in rotation.
The Statistics Department's DEI committee aims to take on initiatives that will integrate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion into the fabric of the department's mission. The committee seeks to build an inclusive community of students, staff, and faculty that values empathy and welfare along with academic and professional achievement. By including DEI concepts into our program - lectures, research, and mentorship - the committee aims to remove the barriers that prevent many individuals, in particular BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) individuals, women, persons with disabilities, first-gen, low-income students, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and other underrepresented individuals, from educational opportunity and equity. The committee believes that fostering a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive department will enable us to serve our members and communities with better, fairer, and more impactful research.
The Statistics Department DEI committee embraces the unique and rich perspectives and experiences that arise from racial, ethic, socio-economic, sexual, gender, and religious diversity within our department. In this spirit, the committee is eager to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students, staff, and faculty by accomplishing the following objectives:
- Develop a departmental DEI plan and revisit it annually;
- Facilitate an annual DEI training for the entire department;
- Improve the sense of belonging for our diverse student body;
- Hold regular discussion with students, staff, and faculty to understand potential barriers and issues that may undermine equity--and thus excellence--in the department;
- Identify, share, and facilitate opportunities for educational and professional growth;
- Invite, recruit, and retain more underrepresented individuals in our department through faculty hires and efforts to increase the diversity of our student body;
- Encourage and officially recognize the commitment of students, staff, and faculty to DEI efforts;
- Provide DEI resources to students, staff, and faculty.
2023 - 2024 Membership
- Faculty Representatives: Analisa Flores & Esra Kurum (co-chairs)
- Staff Representatives: Andrew Mejia & Luz Sandoval Manjarrez
- Graduate Student Representatives: Jericho Lawson, Emily Ouyang, & Noe Vidales
- Undergraduate Student Representative: Zach Nguyen
2022 - 2023 Membership
- Faculty Representatives: Analisa Flores & Esra Kurum (co-chairs)
- Staff Representative: Patricia Alvarado
- Graduate Student Representatives: Jericho Lawson & Emily Ouyang
- Undergraduate Student Representatives: Alliyah Munir & Sanjana Rajagopal
Previous Members
(2021-2022) Lisa Diaz & Cathy Munoz (staff representatives); Christian Duenas, Isaac Quintanilla Salinas, and Brian Tran (graduate student representatives); Carmen Kha & Tobias Rasmussen (undergraduate student representatives).
In winter 2022, a discussion panel with Statistics Alumni was set up by our wonderful graduate students; to virtually provide advice and strategies to promote a diverse and inclusive environment. Participants were able to hear about their job search experiences as well as “a day in the life of” discussions, and how they are or found their careers after graduating.
In Fall 2021, the DEI committee held a Social Hour to go over UCR Statistic's Organizations, DEI offices and the department's focus & resources.