Highlander Statistics Society
About HiSS
The Highlander Statistics Society (HiSS) is a student organization whose purpose is to form unity and friendship among students majoring or interested in statistics.
The Highlander Statistics Society (HiSS) aims to bring together students who are interested in statistics across various disciplines. The club was founded in Spring 2010 and has been a consistent source of assistance and opportunity for undergraduates. HiSS works to promote academic achievement by fostering a supportive environment where students can learn and collaborate together. Club activities include R and Python coding workshops, social events, community service, and participation in the annual Datafest competition. For more information, visit https://highlanderlink.ucr.edu/organization/hiss or our webpage http://hiss.ucrhighlanders.org
HiSS Achievements & Recognition
2024-2025 HiSS Officers
Soumya Agarwal
Wasim Khan
Vice President
Aaron Lin
Treasurer/Fundraising Coordinator
Khushi Chaudhari
Social Media/Outreach Coordinator
Jake Kim
Event Coordinator
Adhvait Purayil
HiSS Advisor
Analisa Flores
(951) 827-4241