
Contact us

Statistics Finance Team


Patricia Alvarado
Lisa Diaz


Reimbursements: Visitors Only

Traveling Reimbursements
  1. Fill out the Visitor Travel Reimbursement Form
    • All travel information will be requested in this form, the following are required and can be submitted through the form
      • Conference/Talk Agenda (if attended)
      • For U.S Citizens fill out the W9 Form
      • For Non-U.S Citizens fill out the W-8BEN Form
      • Provide Itemized Receipts
        • Receipt Notice: Please provide an itemized receipt showing a method of payment (last 4 digits of credit card used) on it. If you cannot obtain an itemized receipt, please submit a Declaration of Missing Evidence form for every missing receipt and supporting documentation such as a credit card statement or bank statement for proof of payment transaction for reimbursement.
  2. If you traveled locally using a privately-owned vehicle and need mileage reimbursement only, please fill out the Mileage Report Log.
    • Please use this form to report mileage reimbursement for business use of private automobiles. For example, employees may use their privately-owned car for official University business and be reimbursed for mileage at the approved rate (gasoline expense is included in the reimbursement rate).
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